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jaclyn king
Dec 3, 20243 min read
I pulled up to the familiar building feeling confident, because I had frequented the hair salon downstairs many times, but after my third...
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jaclyn king
Oct 15, 20243 min read
Invite Them Anyway
I distinctly remember being in elementary school, nearing the end of the school year, and planning my birthday party. It was always the...
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jaclyn king
Oct 3, 20243 min read
Ma Kali and the New Moon
An autumn new moon tonight! It’s a gray day already, and the sunset is creeping earlier and earlier into my afternoon each day. With a...
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jaclyn king
Aug 11, 20245 min read
Are You Even Enlightened, Bro?
These days, with the spiritual wellness industry in America booming, everyone and their second cousin is marketing their path to...
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jaclyn king
Jul 21, 20243 min read
An Open Hand
It doesn’t happen every time, but sometimes during meditation an image or an idea (a revelation?) will arise out of nowhere. This morning...
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jaclyn king
Jun 18, 20244 min read
"Unlocking the Power of Chakras: Balancing Your Endocrine System Through Meditation"
When first introduced to the idea of the energy body, many people are skeptical. Swirling balls of colored energy called chakras that...
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jaclyn king
Apr 21, 20244 min read
I am writing this by hand, in my hurried, messy cursive-all caps hybrid, on a yellow legal pad. I didn’t bring my computer and my phone...
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jaclyn king
Mar 21, 20245 min read
Tips for Yoga Beginners (and everyone else, too!)
1. Just show up. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say they wanted to do yoga but they “had to lose weight first” or...
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jaclyn king
Feb 13, 20245 min read
The Comfort Zone and The Crutch
It has been TEN days since I have done yoga. I’m embarrassed to even say it! I’ve spent the past ten days lounging around, eating potato...
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jaclyn king
Jan 17, 20248 min read
A Day in the Life
A Day in the Life I was at an event recently, where I was in the unusual position of making polite conversation with people who don’t...
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jaclyn king
Dec 12, 20234 min read
Eating the Sun
(Disclaimer: This post discusses death and dying. Read or pass with your own mental health in mind.) As we near the winter solstice, the...
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jaclyn king
Oct 12, 20234 min read
Everything and Nothing
There's an awful lot to worry about these days, isn’t there? There’s the big scary things, global things; war and pandemics and...
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jaclyn king
Aug 4, 20235 min read
Peace and Quiet
I read an article recently about the increasing scarcity of quiet spaces in this world (“Quiet, Please” by Leslee Goodman), and I was...
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jaclyn king
Jun 12, 20233 min read
Leave Yourself Alone
Phew! Another trip around the sun. It seems like every year around my birthday I start to examine the mirror a bit more, taking stock,...
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jaclyn king
May 19, 20235 min read
The leaves are finally popping, we are finally able to wake up to the sounds of birdsong outside, and winter is firmly in the past once...
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jaclyn king
Apr 27, 20232 min read
FREE Class Here!
Those of you who have been in the studio anytime in the past few weeks have seen the tripod in the corner, so you know that I am...
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jaclyn king
Apr 24, 20234 min read
Cutting Through
There was a Buddhist nun named Machig Labdron who lived in Tibet in the 11th century. She was a very good nun, very smart, dedicated to...
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jaclyn king
Mar 6, 20236 min read
Salamander City
In fond remembrance of the summers that are behind us and in anticipation of the one that we are all currently waiting and watching...
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jaclyn king
Jan 31, 20236 min read
Dealing With Disaster
Have you ever had a string of bad luck, just chaotic events in your life one after the other, to the point where you really start to...
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jaclyn king
Dec 8, 20224 min read
Day of Enlightenment
I am sick. My head is stuffy and full, making me woozy and off-balance. My ears are plugged, sinuses throbbing, and a constant stream is...
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