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Refuge Tree: A Guided Meditation

Writer's picture: jaclyn kingjaclyn king

This is a guided meditation practice I like to use often, especially when I am feeling lost, lonely, or I am having a hard time making decisions. The refuge tree meditation is also a good way to practice gratitude, energize your heart chakra, and to feel grounded and connected to the universe. I recommend doing this meditation outdoors among the trees, but it works wonderfully anyplace you find yourself in need. I've attached both a recorded version, so that you can listen, and the written guidance below.

Sit somewhere quiet in a comfortable position (easy pose or in savasana is recommended). Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes gently. Relax your face, your throat, your belly, and your feet. Start to focus your attention on the base of your spine, the root chakra area, where your tailbone touches the ground. Envision an acorn there, then a root sprouting from your tailbone and that root pushing its way through the ground beneath you. This may mean the root has to grow through the layers of a building, or through the space below you if you are on the second floor, but eventually that root pushes its way into the earth below and starts to branch out, growing a huge fan of roots, a root system that reaches mile down into the Earth’s crust, tethering you securely to the planet as it turns.

Next, direct your attention to either the crown of the head (if you are seated) or the navel (if you're in savasana). Envision a small sapling growing from your body, its delicate branches reaching for the sun. This tree grows taller and stronger, it’s trunk based firmly inside of your body, the branches becoming huge, gnarled, strong, and secure, towering over your head, the sunlight filtering down through its massive green canopy, your body firmly situated between the giant tree trunk and the fanning roots. You are this tree. This tree pulses with a sap that is also your blood. It is incredibly strong, living, breathing, and alive.

Now, start to climb up and explore the branches of the tree. Here, within this canopy, lives all of your benefactors. Benefactors are those who love you, those who have taught you, cared for you, and would protect you. All of these benefactors look down on you with loving kindness and support from the branches of the tree. Here, perhaps you see family members; both those who are living and those who have passed on. Friends and family, ancestors, past and present pets, teachers or mentors, priests, gurus, and leaders. Your benefactor tree contains your gods and goddesses, your spirit guides, deities, and any religious or spiritual entities where you feel at peace and protected. Mother nature is here as well. Take some time to travel along the branches of your refuge tree and pause to notice who and what you come across. Pause to take notice and feel gratitude for all of the guidance, wisdom, and love that radiates from each benefactor as you discover them among the leaves.

Take all the time you need here. Your roots keep you tethered to the earth while you travel the uppermost branches.

When you are ready, slowly climb down from the branches, and come back to your body. Start to feel the tree and roots shrinking down and coming back into your body again, packing itself up and returning to its acorn form in the bottom of the spine. Know that all of the love, support, wisdom and compassion that you felt in your refuge tree is always there for you and that you can call upon it to grow again at any time. This safe place resides in your body and cannot be taken from you. You can call upon your benefactors and take refuge as often as you need to.

If you feel drawn to do so, journal after meditation. You could write a bulleted list of the benefactors you came into contact with, you could draw or create an image of your tree and decorate it with likenesses, images, or symbols that represent your benefactors, or simply write about your experience to help secure it further in your mind and memory. Know that you are not alone.

~ Namaste

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