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Daily Chakra Balancing

Writer's picture: jaclyn kingjaclyn king

For many students, attending my Thursday evening chakra class is the first time they have worked with or even heard of chakras. Chakras are energy centers located in the body at different points along the spine and head, are represented by different colors and elements, and have their own special meanings. These energies govern different parts of your personality and can have an effect on your everyday life when out of balance. Think of your chakras as just different facets of your personality, and consider that if some parts of your personality are too weak or too strong, it can throw your life out of balance. Maybe you have a hard time standing up for yourself (solar plexus chakra), expressing yourself (throat chakra), you feel anxious (root chakra), or depressed (crown chakra)... the list goes on. Even if you have a hard time picturing or believing that there are energy centers physically present in the body, everyone has strengths and weaknesses and parts of themselves that they wish they could change. Doing chakra balancing work is one way to help you do this.

Now, as a yoga teacher, I have found that a regular yoga practice with an experienced guide is the fastest and most effective way to bring your chakras into alignment. In my chakra yoga class, for instance, each one hour class focuses on a specific chakra and all of the breathwork, affirmations, meditations, and physical poses are specially designed to support that targeted area. It is the “biggest bang for your buck” sort to speak. However, if a regular yoga practice is not in the cards for you (I can’t imagine why not, but okay…), below I have broken down each chakra, what personality traits it governs, and how to align them on your own through daily living practices. Please know that using one strategy one time is not a permanent fix; coming into and staying in alignment and balance is a lifelong pursuit and practice. These suggestions should be a good place to start, however.

Root Chakra: Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine, the very bottom of your torso, and is represented by the color red. It manages your feelings of connectedness to nature and the earth, grounding, and the basic physical sensations of being a living creature on the planet. If you struggle with anxiety this is the chakra to focus on for you! The best possible way to balance your root chakra is to spend some time in nature. Go outside and spend time in a green space, go barefoot on the ground, feel sunshine on your skin, get fresh air, tend to plants or a garden, and be around animals. Even just placing your bare hand on a tree for a few minutes can accomplish grounding and help to balance the root chakra.

Sacral Chakra: Your sacral chakra is located below the navel, in the lower belly, around your reproductive organs. It is represented by the color orange and the element of water. The sacral chakra is all about pleasure, sexuality, creativity, and authenticity. It governs your drive to create things, experience enjoyable physical sensations, and express yourself in artistic ways. If you find it difficult to express yourself, you have no interest in intimacy, or you are feeling numb, focus on this chakra. Balancing your sacral chakra is as easy as taking a bath, going for a swim, getting a massage, or doing something creative. Dancing, painting, beading, or sewing are great for this. However, one of the best ways to open the sacral chakra is *ahem* self-pleasure… you know the kind.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Your solar plexus chakra is located between the navel and the ribs. Use your hands to locate the soft spot where the diaphragm ends in the belly; the gateway to the breath. Your solar plexus chakra governs self-esteem, self-confidence, personal power, and inner energy. Picture it as a tiny burning sun inside of your core, represented by the color yellow and the element of fire, giving you inner strength. If you have trouble standing up for yourself or you are struggling with fear, awakening your solar plexus chakra is key. Great ways to awaken your solar plexus chakra include weight lifting or strength training, running, or other vigorous physical activity, or building and tending a fire. It is also achieved by trying new things, so taking up a new hobby, traveling somewhere you have never been, or participating in a new experience are all great ways to awaken your inner sun.

Heart Chakra: Your heart chakra is located in your heart of course! Place both hands over your heart and envision a small green energy ball there. The heart chakra is related to the element of air and is of course all about love! Have you been unkind to yourself, have caregiver fatigue, or feel emotionally drained? Practice love by giving hugs and kisses, holding hands or snuggling with a loved one. It is also important to practice self-love by having compassion for yourself, and treating yourself with loving kindness. Wear soft clothing, start a self-care ritual, wrap yourself in a blanket, drink tea, or write down what you are thankful for in a gratitude journal. Use a loving kindness meditation and envision sending loving energy to others and then yourself.

Throat Chakra: Your throat chakra is the center for communication and truth, advocating for yourself, and listening to others in a conversation. Hold your hands on your throat and envision a small blue energy ball there. A blocked throat chakra can affect your ability to communicate openly and honestly. Open your throat chakra by singing, howling, chanting, or repeating mantras or positive affirmations to yourself. Use your journal and mediation to explore your inner truths and express yourself freely. Reading out loud, listening to audio books, and having a stimulating conversation with a friend are all great ways to balance your throat chakra, as well as seeing a therapist or counselor to talk through your feelings.

Third Eye Chakra: Your third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows. Put two fingers there and imagine an indigo energy ball there. Your third eye is a feminine energy and is associated with light energy. It is called the third eye because, like your other two eyes, it is meant to “see” and understand. This chakra is all about wisdom and clear thought, knowing oneself, and self-awareness. Getting in touch with your third eye chakra requires contemplation and quiet thinking time. This can be achieved through meditation, sleep and dreaming, yin or restorative yoga, pranayama (breathwork), and guided visualization. Practicing open-mindedness is also a great way to clear the third eye chakra; try a new type of cuisine, read a book by an author with a different perspective on life, or listen to a genre of music that you don’t normally go for.

Crown Chakra: Your crown chakra is located on the crown of your head, the very top of your scalp, and is represented by the color violet (or sometimes white). This is where your connection to the divine comes into play, whatever your spirituality or religion. The crown chakra helps us feel connected to a divine purpose, ancient inner wisdom, and our spirituality. Have you been feeling disconnected, without purpose, or alone? Open the crown chakra with prayer, a spiritual practice, or ritual. Use tarot cards, runes, or another oracle tool to get in touch with your inner voice. Use reiki or energy work, either done by yourself or a practitioner, go stargazing, or practice savasana (meditation in corpse pose). Decorate your living space with objects, symbols, and illustrations of your spiritual practice, whatever that may be for you. Sometimes protecting your crown chakra can help you feel calm, and has a grounding effect. Wear a hat, headscarf, or hood to protect and calm nervous energy and help you to stay in your physical body.

At the end of the day, you know yourself best and only you know what is right for you. Perhaps simply acknowledging that there are areas of your life or your personality that could use some more balance is a place to start. Write a list of one thing you will do each day to achieve that balance, whether it’s a cup of tea, lifting heavy weights, or singing in the car on the way home from work each day, and start there. Yoga and meditation might not be your preferred solution (I mean, I don't know why it wouldn’t be but okay…) but a little self-examination certainly never hurt anyone. At the least, I hope that you are able to gain as much peace, joy, and self-love as you can out of this life, knowing that all things end, even life.

~ Namaste

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