My dear yoga tribe, each one of these is written with a specific student in my mind. Let your inner wisdom guide you to the words that are meant for you.
- My long time friend, since the day I met you I knew that we would be close. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your support and your calming presence. I have always felt safe with you. I am in awe of your commitment to your wellness, how dedicated you have been to your practice. You have grown and learned so much these past few months, and I see the change in you; you see things differently now, feel things acutely, and have a new-found confidence. You are embracing your full potential, becoming an enlightened soul, recognizing your own power. You are beautiful.
-You only attended one or two classes, so I didn't get a chance to know you very well, and I regret that. I still wonder if I could have done something differently. Was it because the studio doesn’t have a bathroom? Did your work schedule change? Was the class too hard or too easy? Did I say something wrong? I am grateful that you gave me a chance, and I am glad that you got to try something new. I hope that even if you never try yoga again, that you experienced some peace and tranquility for the hour that you did spend with me. I wish you all the very best things and all the peace and wellness in the world, no matter what path you choose.
- I am so proud of you for prioritizing yourself. You work hard; I see your struggles and I see you always moving forward in the face of adversity. You are a deeply spiritual person and feel things deeply, but maintain a cheerful demeanor with others always. You bring happiness to our classes, with your high energy and willingness to try anything and trust in yourself. You are a welcome member of the tribe, although you may not know it yet, there are others who want to get to know you better. Know that you have sisters here if you should want us.
- I never know when I will see you, my wayward yoga friend, but your smile can light up a room. I am thrilled whenever I see your name pop up on a class roster, because I know that you have a very busy life and a demanding career. You always surprise me with the ease at which you come right back to yoga after a prolonged absence. You have grown so much since you first started, and you have helped me to grow as well. Thank you.
- A year ago, we rediscovered one another in a serendipitous moment. You are a woman with many layers, and you keep your truest self close. You are often misunderstood, even when you reveal your beautiful, generous, and loving heart for all to see. Your yoga practice has become ritual; you have brought it beyond the physical body and into the energy body. I know that you feel stuck in many ways, and that you compartmentalize parts of your life, but you become whole in the studio and with your tribe. I am very thankful for your authentic presence in my life.
- You are the sweetest, gentlest soul I have ever met. I feel fiercely protective of you. You bring such a relaxed and casual acceptance to your yoga practice. You are a passionate soul wrapped in a kind softness; a high priestess in disguise. You approach yoga with spiritual reverence, making difficult Asanas look easy, because your face always stays calm even when your body is being challenged. I love how easily you accept things and how hard you strive to be a kind person in a rough and jagged world. Please never change who you are for anybody.
- You came to yoga to have fun, and found a deep spiritual well within yourself. I watched you dive in headfirst. I know that there were aspects of yoga that were difficult for you, and that you used humor to mask your discomfort, and I am sorry that I was not a good enough teacher to help you through that. I think about you often and wish that I could have made things work better for you. The last class you took was some time ago, but I remember it clearly. I think about you often and wish you well. I know that you have an incredibly busy life, but I hope you come back soon, because I see great potential for transformation within you.
-You are a gentle, fragile soul and I almost didn’t know what to do with you when you first arrived. I was afraid that the physical demands alone would scare you away. But you quickly proved me wrong. You are patient with yourself in practice, you are committed to improvement, and you have a keen eye. You make me want to be better and you challenge me as a teacher to grow and learn for you and others who will come after you. I sincerely hope that you continue, and I adore how you add diversity to my classes.
- I feel as if we have just met and that I have also known you all my life. You have become one of my dearest tribe sisters. Your willingness to be open, supportive, and kind so quickly and easily blows my mind every day. In class, I notice how seriously you take your practice, and I adore how sincere and dedicated you are. You feel your yoga practice deeply, and you accentuate each class with your own personal practices, which are a joy to watch. You bring light and laughter to those around you and continue to amaze me every day in so many ways.
- You started coming to yoga because a friend persuaded you to try it, and you are now a regular. I think that if anybody asked you, you would say you do it to be healthier and more flexible, but deep down you are experiencing an inner calm that you haven’t felt for years, and you are awakening a part of you that you didn’t know existed. You don’t compete with yourself or others, and bring a calm acceptance to your practice. I love to see you learn and awaken through yoga, and I believe that you are just at the beginning of a wonderful journey for yourself. I am honored to have been a part of that.
- Sometimes you feel restless during class; you have a busy life with many demands placed upon you, and it must be hard to give yourself over to your practice fully at times. But when you do settle and focus, your face becomes calm, and you slip easily into alignment with who you know yourself to truly be. Your presence in the studio is a comfort to me, familiar and easy. I know that you are struggling right now with things that are out of your control, but I admire your ability to stay in the right now and take each thing as it comes.
- You only came to a few classes and I haven’t seen you in the studio much lately, even though you had expressed how it had done wonders for you. You work hard and do not always prioritize your own wellness, but you are always smiling when I see you, smart and kind and capable. You know yourself. I admire your willingness to try something new, and to continue with it even if you were doing it alone. I hope you come to class soon, because I believe that you could change your life with your practice, and I would be honored to guide you in doing that.
- You surprised me, arriving at your first yoga class with a physical limitation I was not expecting, and I was incredibly nervous that I could not serve you well. You are a strong woman, and as I have gotten to know you, I have only become more intrigued by your life, which you lead with a confident enthusiasm. You are an adventurer, and live your life as if on a rubber band, stretching out into the world for amazing experiences, and then bouncing back home into restfulness and regular practice. You continue to be a surprise to me; I don’t always know when you will appear, but I know that you are dedicated to your wellness journey in whatever form that it may take, and I know that you will always return.
- Your health struggles have been long and difficult, my friend, and you handle it with such grace. You are an inspiration, always working towards healing even when the goal posts are cruelly moved further back. You are an experienced yoga student, a joy to have in class, needing very little direction, and I love to see you drop out of the room in your mind, fully immersed in the pose. You have trained your body into “knowing,” given yourself the gift of muscle memory, leaving space in your practice for the inner work. I hope that I can be enough for you. You deserve to be well-cared for.
- You joined the studio with such enthusiasm and excitement, jumped straight into the deep end, and have had extraordinary commitment to your wellness. You make me smile with your loud, bright sense of humor, give yourself fully over to the experience, and have quickly become a regular force in yoga class. You are a person who decided to take on this thing and did not turn your back on yourself; dedication.
